Tara Leach, PHC-NP, MScN - Nurse Practitioner

Tara Leach, PHC-NP, MScN

Nurse Practitioner

Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE-A), Certified in Psychiatric and Mental Health CPMHN(C), Clinical Trauma Specialist (TICT-CT)

Tara is a proactive, dedicated and equity-oriented nurse practitioner with 23 years of progressive experience in the areas of primary care, emergency medicine, mental health and substance use across the age spectrum. Working from an anti-oppressive and trauma informed lens, she has supported patients with diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. Her strong interpersonal and collaboration skills have allowed her to center herself as a leader in the healthcare sector. This has led to enhanced programming and services for those who face barriers in accessing health care due to trauma. She has received both national and provincial recognition for the work she has done as an innovative health care provider working with those affected by violence.

Tara has completed continuing professional development certifications in prescribing narcotics and controlled substances, diabetic education and clinical traumatology. She is the Founder and Clinical Director of the H.E.A.L.T.H Clinic (Health Care, Education, Advocacy, Linkage for Trauma-Informed Healing) https://www.healthclinicottawa.ca This is the very first clinic of its kind in Canada.

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